Eleiko JCV Meetup

Brand & Message: Lessons From Eleiko

Earlier this month, the team at Eleiko welcomed myself and the Leadership Group to their headquarters in Halmstad, Sweden.  

As well as highlighting how important it is to get outside our four walls and critically evaluate other businesses (in other sectors, through a different lens) – the trip gave me a lot to think about. 

The biggest takeaway for me was how strong – and ferociously consistent – their brand and messaging were.  Every small detail was considered and in line with their vision and values, from the Union Jack flying in reception to welcome us, to the post-workout waffles they made for us with the original iron that kicked off the Eleiko brand decades ago. 

Eleiko are a people and company with peak performance at their core – it’s what they do.  But wrapped around this clinical, attention to detail, perfectionist, science-backed, performance-orientated approach, is a warm, welcoming, holistic, kind (a core value) approach to everything that they are.

Strength training (physical and mental) is here to stay.  So is the small-group concept. The challenge for us is to present ourselves and the product in a way that’s approachable, welcoming, and relatable to the modern day consumer.

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